This poem was developed by students in the digital video media project as a basis for their upcoming video. They are taking photos and videos to translate their message into a digital video. I was touched by the message and amazed at what students can do when given a chance and inspired. The photo to […]
Creativity Through Digital Video Media Making!
Implementing a project entitled “Developing Creativity Through Digital Video Media Production” as part of an 18 months Life Academy course has been so far challenging and extremely rewarding. The interest from students and teachers is immense. My project requires a lot more time than I had anticipated! But I have given it the time, at […]
Social Media Use is a Critical Skill for Leaders today
The MasterCard Foundation Scholar’s Program at Makerere University has identified Media Literacy as well as ethical and effective use of social media as critical skills for emerging leaders. This was the basis for inviting me to share with their scholars in two sessions during the Summer Leadership Camp 2016 covering effective social media use. What […]
Treated to Raw Creativity in Karlstad, Sweden!
There are people who leave marks in our memory when we meet them. When I came to do a course at Life Academy in Sweden, I definitely knew it was going to be interesting, but not to the level it has got lately. On Tuesday May 24th, we were informed by one of our programme […]
Did Professor CG Just Flip a Classroom on Me?
For me, that would have been Okay had this been his only “Crime” today. But, he went on to call upon his other colleague, Professor Lars! Prof. Lars is not your ordinary professor. He delivered his lecture from a distance, 200km away, online! These two professors conspired to jolt me out of my comfort zone, […]
ICT Teacher Does it For Me!
Ben Wabbi is a teacher of ICT at Mengo senior school. This guy has made my day with his creativity in. For a youthful teacher, he is also extremely brave; and his efforts are paying off Big Time. What did it for me this time around was asking senior Two Students to teach senior One […]
Kuroilers At 3 Months
Three months down the road, the Kuroilers are almost ready.
Does Anybody Care About Social Media Etiquette in Secondary Schools?
I have been doing career guidance and motivating students to achieve academically and in life. So, this weekend saw me sharing experiences with parents, candidates and teachers of “Our Lady of Africa Secondary School, Namilyango”. My visits to this school and others, revealed to me a great new need to educate youths about media literacy; […]
Moyo – Here I Come!
I finally make the journey to Moyo on the Uganda-S.Sudan border via Laropi, Adjuman, Atyak, Gulu; in the process crossing the mighty Nile twice.This place has massive rocky outcrops and tall, dark piplo! Loved every moment. Wonderful, friendly people. Thanks Koma, Atuma and Simon (Headteacher, St. Andrew’s College, Moyo) for welcoming me into your home. […]
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