
This page describes online resources and references that I find relevant.

A: Geography

1. Geography Questions on Soil for A- Level P250/1

2. O’Level Notes on Rocks



1.  Social Media Tips. A presentation to teachers of Mengo Senior School.  It explores what is social media, benefits and pitfalls. Download the presentation

2. Learning Unit on Sustainable Development, Technology and Geography Integration
This Unit use the topic of River Development Projects to integrate Technology and Sustainable Development Issues in Geography. Written by Ayub and published by the World Bank’s Development Education Program

3. The Observer Newspaper heralds the MoES & UCC ICT Program which I am proud to be so closely associated with.

C:  Projects

1 Report on ICT Retooling – May 2014

2. The New Vision : School Exchange Programs are good.
This article was written by Butare Bernard and oublished in The Newvision. Ayub was interviewed to share his opinions as a coordinator and participant in such international exchange programs.

3. Report on Headteachers’ ICT Sensitization Workshop in Eastern Uganda published by SchoolNet Uganda, 2005. During the workshop, Ayub made a presentation on Integration of ICT in Geography

Kalema Golooba Ayub