Education and Training

4.1      Educational Qualifications Attained

July 1993        Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Geography) with Education of Makerere University, Kampala


4.2       Short ICT-Related Training Course Attended

Jan 2008         Multimedia Content Creation under Uganda Digital Education Resource Bank (UDERB supported by SchoolNet Uganda

Feb 2008         Multimedia Animations, Graphics and Film production  organized by UGATRA (Uganda – Austrian Transfer)  at Mengo Senior School

Jan 2007         Cisco IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software (Makerere University Faculty of Computing)

Jan 2007         Cisco IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems at Makerere University Faculty of Computing Cisco Academy (Instructor Course)

Feb 2006         OKN Technical Training in Nairobi Kenya focusing on OpenENRICH, a new distributed database system for knowledge sharing pioneered by UNESCO and Open Knowledge Network (1 Week)

July 2004        Global Learning Portal Training for the development of E-Learning Training modules

Dec 2004        Website Design and maintenance using Dreamweaver and Fireworks organized by SchoolNet Uganda and UNESCO (2 Weeks)

Dec 2003        Multimedia Training in Macromedia Studio MX organized by UNESCO – IICBA and SchoolNet Uganda in Kampala (2 Weeks)

Sept 2002        HIV/AIDS and Information and Communications Technology Workshop organized by World Bank’s World Links for Development Project and EDC

Sept 2002        School Based Telecenters: Lessons of Experience organized by the World Bank’s World Links for Development Program

Jan 2002         Diffusion of Technological Innovations organized by SchoolNet Uganda and World Links for Development Program

Jan 2002         Computer Hardware Maintenance and Networking organized by Nakawa Vocational Training Institute and JICA Technical Assistance

Sept 2001        Planning for School Based Telecenters, organized by SchoolNet Uganda and World Links for Development Program, Jinja (Uganda) .. 1 Week

March 2001     Telematics applications for Education in Africa: Creating Learning Networks for African Educators organized by UNESCO National Commission, Kampala (1 Week)

Jan 2000         Technology and Curriculum Integration (WorLD Phase III) organized by SchoolNet Uganda and World Links for Development Program (1 Week)

July 2000        Internet Instructional Strategies organized by International Development projects (California, USA) and SchoolNet Uganda. (1 Week)

May 1999        Email, Internet and Collaborative Project Development organized by World Links for Development Program, Kampala (1 Week)

April 1999        The Balanced Score Card seminar by The African Virtual University at Makerere University, Kampala

Kalema Golooba Ayub