Solfesten 2013 – The Sun Festival in Rjukan

Sun Baby

Carrying the “Sun Baby”, with the parents

Rjukan VGS is located on the floor of Rjukan valley, a  deep V-shaped glacial valley that was curved out by glaciers some 12.000 years ago. The valley goes without the sun’s rays for close to six months from October to March. So when the su…n’s rays first touch the valley on 12th March, there is reason to celebrate, hence the Solfesten (the sun festival) This year’s festival was held on 6th April.

The baby born on that day is called the sun baby and is given many gifts by the community. This year’s sun baby is born to a Ugandan family living in Rjukan.
More photos of the festival can be accessed from the Radio Rjukan facebook page at

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Kalema Golooba Ayub