“Hang in There” – Change Agents Told in Cambodia

Fasika doing her thing as Sailaja and Marlene admire!

“Do not go with the flow. Don’t change this project to do what is simpler  just because …. You are onto something big here with Creativity” were the words (sort of anyway) of encouragement and counsel from Mr. Jacob Rubenson – a management consultant from Sweden to me after my presentation on Promoting creativity and problem solving skills through digital media making”.

And there is a sense of urgency in the room, a desire to “get on with it”, best captured by the words of Kimberly, “I feel I have not yet got it. Now that we have discussed what the change agents have done, I am eager to see how we move it forward. What concrete steps can we take to support the change agents and what can we do together?”
Kimberly’s comments also summarise why Change Agents from Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Rwanda, Liberia and Uganda have converged in Cambodia for 3 solid days. We want to explore how we can collaborate more to scale up impact.

Panel of Change Agents Responds to Questions

The day’s activities set the tone, with the Cambodia Minister of Education highlighting how his government has managed to recover after all teachers in the country were killed.
According to Mr. John Fred Kazibwe, the Headteacher of Mengo Senior School, the first day already pointed to areas he needed to do in the following years. He asserted “ We already know the challenges associated with use of mobile phones, now I want teachers to tell me how they will use mobile phones in teaching and learning if we allow phones into schools” He is keen to chart new territories after this workshop.

It was fulfilling learning about the experiences of Change Agents like

Meeting the Minster of Education,Cambodia

Rafiqul from Bangladesh and Fasika from Ethiopia. Fasika, this youthful, unassuming, focused and self-critical Change-Agent-of-the-year-2015! She shared her passions, her frustrations and as well her visions of the future. With all her fame, confidence and achievements, one would be forgiven in thinking Fasika is perfect. But she gives it to you straight and says “I don’t the skill in me of dealing with bureaucracy”. Yet she also shared the joys she experienced with the work she was doing. Like the joy of taking kids out in her village just to play and have some ice-cream during holidays.

“Follow your passion and you will succeed” seemed like the central theme running through all presentations! Can’t wait for day#2!

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Kalema Golooba Ayub