Did Professor CG Just Flip a Classroom on Me?

For me, that would have been Okay had  this been his only “Crime” today. But, he went on to call upon his other colleague, Professor Lars! Prof. Lars is not your ordinary professor. He delivered his lecture from a distance, 200km away, online! These two professors conspired to jolt me out of my comfort zone, […]

ICT Teacher Does it For Me!

Ben Wabbi is a teacher of ICT at Mengo senior school. This guy has made my day with his creativity in. For a youthful teacher, he is also extremely brave; and his efforts are paying off Big Time. What did it for me this time around was asking senior Two Students to teach senior One […]

Does Anybody Care About Social Media Etiquette in Secondary Schools?

I have been doing career guidance and motivating students to achieve academically and in life. So, this weekend saw me sharing experiences with parents, candidates and teachers of “Our Lady of Africa Secondary School, Namilyango”.  My visits to this school and others, revealed to me a great new need to educate youths about media literacy; […]

Old Kla SSS in VC with School from India

It has been an honour to support Old Kampala Senior Secondary School to connect with a partner school, Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan (PSBB) Senior Secondary School in Chennai, INDIA in an Intellectual Information exchange via Video Conferencing. The video-conference hosted on Google Hangouts and dubbed; A Panel discussion on “Social Media as a tool to […]

ICT Training for DF Church by ScS

ICT Training for members of Disciples Fellowship Church is taking place at Kololo Senior Secondary School. The training is facilitates by Kalema Golooba and David Matovu from Sustainable Change Solutions. The five day training attended by 30 people is focused on word processing, social media and use of internet in the 21 st century.   […]

NewVision Features Ayub

I am really really excited and humbled having been featured in the leading daily! [miniorange_social_sharing]

This is a test of the WordPress iOS app

I am testing the editing platform for iOS

The Unspoken Rules of Social Media

So, you are now connected to Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, and YouTube! Congratulations. You rock! You are dot com. Fine, you can now share jokes, chat, get updates from your friends. You are dreaming of scholarships and many more opportunities. But wait a minute, how exactly should you use these social media tools? What […]

ICT is taking root in Uganda.

I recall just a couple of years ago when only a handful of us could use a computer! Now I sit in a room full of teachers who use and teach ICT!

Pitfalls of ICT Integration

Imagine teaching in a school where all students have laptops with unlimited access to the internet in all corners of the school.  A school where all the students can ably use the ICTs to find information, and are allowed (or rather required) to accry their laptops to classes. Great! Now imagine yourself as the teacher who is supposed […]

Kalema Golooba Ayub